The monitor is the life of a PC without it none of the many unique parts that make up a PC would provide anything to the user. The monitor displays information to the user in pictorial and or textual forms. The monitor's main function is to output information from the processor and other components. This does not actually affect the processor or other components as they already have the information and data instead the pictorial representation is for the user to see what is going on within the computer.
The monitor utilizes a variety of components to function. Some of the main ones are a power supply, casing, and most importantly the screen. Of course, there are other components such as the electronics board and LCD panel, but the ones listed are the major components.
How does the monitor display work? Well, the monitor is able to display images by utilizing a cathode ray tube (CRT) that utilizes three guns, one for each phosphor color to create millions of varying colors. Previously in older monitors the CRT used an electronic beam to generate images but did not have the three guns for each phosphor.
There are different types of computers monitor each of which comes with varying benefits and drawbacks. The three main ones are cathode ray tube, liquid crystal display, and light-emitting diode. The CRT monitors usually come in cheaper but are slightly outdated and heavier than the LCD which is lighter and tends to have a better resolution. LED on the other hand are heavily outdated and are not commonly used nowadays.